Detailed Reports
Kimberly Maldonado
I would love to have access to better reporting so I can see what areas students are doing well and where they are struggling. It would also help with standards based skills practice. It's important to be able to see where students are with specific skills so we can show data that they have practiced skills and are improving or not improving. Our school is probably losing a math curriculum next year and I would love to switch to using boddle as our main online component, I can assign the standards to match our lessons, but the detailed reporting would hopefully get my admin on board for it's full usage. It would also be useful for helping determine grouping of students based on their skills.
Kimberly Maldonado
Yes! It would be nice to be able to see a clean breakdown of the standards and how they performed on it that way I can see patterns or areas of concern that could help drive instructional groupings. I like that I can see the questions they answered and how they did. But maybe grouping them by standards strands, or just a way to make it easier to find/read. Some of the standards will have sub standards so being able to find it all in an easy way would be helpful. :)
I also don't quite understand the placement. Maybe this is on me, but I have some students that perform really high in class and independently, but according to the placement graph they're on a 1st grade level. I understand that they may have missed some questions on that grade level, but not having some type of report to show those things is difficult to see.
Rachel Stout
Hi Kimberly! Love this suggestion! Are you thinking of a report that shows students' progress in each individual skill, rather than just a list of those they've mastered?